The quality of our relationships determine the quality of our lives Our relationships are everything
Invest in those the ones the mean the most and create a healthy happy life for your family.

build healthy relationships and role model for your children

Whether you're seeking to reignite the flame in your relationship, navigating the intricacies of family life, or embarking on the emotional journey of co-parenting and blending I offer personalise solutions to meet your needs.

Relationship Coaching for Parents: Has you relationship taken a back seat since having kids? Reignite your spark  and work as a team create a fulfilling happy family life and be the best role models for your children.

Divorce and co-parenting Navigate the emotional labyrinth of separation is not easy but with the right support you can do it with dignity and respect, and establish a healthy co-parenting relationship.
Step-parenting & Blending:
Introducing new partners, children and blending families is not straight forward. Seamlessly merge families and create a united, nurturing environment where everyone feels valued and you all move forward as a family.

Join our community

Exciting things are happening here! Listen to my podcast, Parenting and Marriage in the Digital Age, where I tackle the real issues affecting families today.

Plus, join the waiting list for our exclusive membership community launching soon, where you'll find deeper insights, personalised coaching, and a supportive network of like-minded parents.


Nichole is that rare professional who combines clinical expertise with warmth, optimism, and deep care for her clients. Her non-judgemental, compassionate approach immediately sets clients at ease. I am so grateful I was referred to Nichole during my divorce. I can't recommend her highly enough as a relationship and family coach.

Benefits You Can Experience

Family balance

Family balance

Harmonious homelife

Harmonious homelife

Healthy relationships

Healthy relationships

Reduced stress

Reduced stress

Strengthened resilience

Strengthened resilience

follow nichole

Olive branches and green olives

Fresh Start. The new divorce coaching membership programme.

A subscription to Fresh Start gives you regular Q and As with Nichole, expert interviews, in depth coaching modules, tools to help you to get the best out of this time.

Already a member? Log in here.
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